We are excited to announce that Backpacker Magazine’s 14th annual Get Our More Winter Tour’s ambassadors will be visiting Appalachian Outfitters on December 29. The event begins at 6:30p.m. Join us for a fun evening of practical education that will enhance your outdoor experiences for the rest of your life!
Backpacker Magazine’s Get Out More Winter Tour is an interactive traveling media and education program. The tour ambassadors encourage fellow outdoors people in their goals, fulfilling Backpacker Magazine’s mission “to inspire and enable people to enjoy the outdoors by providing the most trusted and engaging information about outdoor adventure in North America.”
BackPacker GOM 2014 Tour - Photo Credit: http://www.backpacker.com/news-and-events/events/get-out-more-tour-2014/
For the 14th year in a row, the Get Out More ambassadors travel around the United States to over sixty different retailers in just five months. They teach fellow adventurers about skills and equipment necessary for spending time outdoors during the cold winter months. Their seminars last for 75 minutes and cover trip planning, choosing proper outdoor apparel and gear, practicing safety, and other essential topics.
Backpacker magazine - Photo Credit: http://vimeo.com/49031490
Not only do the tour ambassadors talk about outdoor adventures – they also experience them! They are outdoors people educating fellow outdoors people about the best way to enjoy the nature they love, even when the weather is cold. Their seminars teach us to enjoy winter beauty while staying safe and comfortable.
Get Out More Tour Ambassadors Kim Dinan & Brian Patton - Photo credit: http://www.backpacker.com/news-and-events/events/gom-2014-meet-the-ambassadors
Save the date! Stop by Appalachian Outfitters at 6:30pm on December 29 for some outdoor suggestions that you will apply for years.