No matter what the weather app says, be sure to equip the right rain gear for your next outdoor adventure. Stocking up on rain gear will keep you and your supplies dry and comfortable rather than miserable. To come prepared, pack a waterproof jacket, pants, and boots. Bringing an extra pair of each won’t hurt either. Next, adding extra moisture protection to your tent with a rain fly is a must to stay dry at night. Food-wise, it’s recommended to pack ready-made meals when expecting to camp in poor weather. Want more tips on essentials for camping in the rain? Keep reading!
Table of Contents
- Best Rain Gear for Camping: How to Come Prepared
- Waterproof Outerwear
- High Hydrostatic Head Tents
- Rain Fly
- Ready-made Meals
- Entertainment
- Extra Towels
- The Takeaway
Best Rain Gear for Camping: How to Come Prepared
Regardless of whether you’re a camping beginner or a seasoned bush crafter, there is one camping sentiment that always rings true: unexpected rain can throw a wrench into things and greatly mess up your trip. That is, if you don’t come sufficiently prepared with anti-rain camping essentials.
So, if you check the forecast and notice rain will be expected in the area of your campsite, it’s best to pack these items to make the most of your trip despite the harsh weather conditions.

Waterproof Outerwear
Without the right means of protection, heavy downpours can cause regular clothes to become soaking wet in minutes. Needless to say, this is best avoided to prevent discomfort and any risk associated with a drop in body temperature.
Therefore, waterproof clothes like jackets, pants, and boots constitute three absolute essentials for camping in the rain. Invest money in high-quality equipment that will last you years and serve you over many trips, and the rain won’t weigh you down anymore.
However, even the most durable gear may not be enough in torrential precipitation. If you can, consider packing extras just in case.
High Hydrostatic Head Tents
Keeping the interior of your camping tent dry is absolutely essential. When picking the best tent for camping, not everyone pays enough attention to its ability to repel water. This index, called the hydrostatic head, determines how waterproof a given material is.
Technically, a rating of 1,500mm for tents usually suffices to claim a decent level of water resistance. For your tent, however, it’s recommended that you go higher than that. Why? Again, if the downpour gets heavy enough, the tent cover may eventually reach its limit in terms of water absorption, leaving you to wake up in a puddle. Aim for a hydrostatic head value above 3,000mm to be on the safe side and avoid unwanted surprises.

Rain Fly
As explained above, maintaining a completely dry interior of your tent is a must. To that end, a rain fly plays a crucial role in preventing water from getting inside. It acts as an additional protective covering placed over the top of your tent, forming a secondary barrier against rain to keep you and your gear dry during wet weather conditions. It also helps protect your tent against UV rays, which, over time, can weaken the tent fabric.
Without a rain fly, even the most waterproof tent can be susceptible to leaks and moisture intrusion. Investing in a quality rain fly is mandatory to ensure a comfortable camping experience, regardless of the weather forecast.
Ready-made Meals
Lighting a campfire becomes impossible in heavy rain. Likewise, portable camping stoves don’t always offer a completely foolproof solution. Even though the pot covers the open flame, cooking food may not be feasible if the rain falls at an angle or when it’s accompanied by gusts of wind sufficiently strong to blow the fire out.
That’s why packing some ready-made meals can tide you over when preparing a full, hearty meal isn’t an option.
What’s one thing worse than being stuck inside a tent due to poor weather conditions, unable to explore nature? Being stuck inside with nothing to do. Be sure to pack books, board games, playing cards or other means of entertaining yourself and your companions on a rainy trip.
Extra Towels
Let’s face it: no matter how much gear you have for camping in the rain you bring with you, things will get wet. Packing a few towels or microfiber cloths can help draw out excess moisture and keep your personal effects as dry as possible.
The Takeaway
Rainy weather doesn’t necessarily have to foil your camping plans. With adequate preparation and investing in some rain camping essentials, you can easily prevent rain from spoiling your trip and turn it into an opportunity to enjoy nature in different circumstances. Either way, we hope this list has given you a sufficient idea of what gear to assemble when preparing to camp in wet weather.