When injuries or sudden illness strikes in the back-country, you may not have the option to call 911. If you are able to contact help, their arrival may be delayed for hours or even days. Your ability to provide immediate and prolonged care in a wilderness environment with limited resources may make the difference between a fast recovery or a permanent disability or worse. Developed by the Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) in association with the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the American College of Emergency Physicians, ECSI has developed one of the leading Wilderness First Aid courses available. Our instructors are trained by Philmont's own physicians and staff, at Philmont Training Center. Emphasis is on situations most often encountered during High Adventure outings.
Among the topics covered are: What is Wilderness First Aid and how does it differ from standard first aid? First aid for a wide range of back-country injuries and illnesses including hypothermia, altitude illnesses, anaphylaxis, cuts, breaks, burns, etc. We'll also cover victim assessment, physical exams, assessing spinal injuries, and the proper way to report information to rescuers. This class will include numerous hands-on scenarios. There is a strict limit of 12 students. Snacks will be provided each day along with coffee and water. Due to the wide range of dietary preferences, please bring your own sack lunch. Water will be provided. You MUST be present for both sessions.
Please note: In order to use this class to fulfill the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid requirement, you must be at least 14 years of age and have a current adult CPR certification, or, sign up for the Sunday session. Those successful completing this class will earn a 2-year certification.
There is a non-refundable fee of $200.00 ($230.00 with CPR) for these classes, due by October 30, 2019. This class is expected to quickly sell out, however, we require at least eight registrants to hold the class and avoid cancellation. This class includes a weather resistant Field Guide and we've made special arrangements with Adventure Medical so all participants will receive an Adventure Medical UL .5 First Aid Kit or a SAM splint. All class fees are non-refundable.